Captain Biorhythm Brain Integration Test
What do you see in Captain Biorhythm’s Costume? How does it make you feel?
Biorhythm Charts Improve Your Relationships
What do you see in Captain Biorhythm’s Costume? How does it make you feel?
Ralph Zuranski was born May 9, 1949 at Mercy Hospital in San Diego. He was 3 months premature and weighed only 3 pounds, 8 ounces. The miracle is he survived this early trauma. The tragedy is his early years were plagued with chronic sicknesses, hyperactivity, delayed growth, bursitis of the ankles, and unexplainable physical pains. … Read more
Do you want better health, more money and extra time? How would you like to have greater peace, self-confidence and respect? If you answer, “Yes, yes, yes!” Bioawareness is for you. It can help you increase the quality of your life. Biological and biochemical truths about the earth, your body and brain, and the food … Read more